I heard a persona I highly admire say that when it comes to child training, there is no such phrase as "too young" in their house. The children are all doing things WITH the parents. The child wants to sew while Momma is sewing, give them some fabric and scissors and have them cut out something and you can sew it (or if they can handle a needle, have them sew it).
Side note: I will have to post my daughter's first handmade dress for her doll. She made it all by herself with no pattern. And sewed it by hand. I am so proud of her. Is this an actual dress, no. It has the fabric folded over and sewn so there are holes on it. But do I tell her it is not a real dress?? Think back to the Velveteen rabbit....You are going to be able to sew your SELF a beautiful dress someday if you keep practicing and making dresses for your dolls sweetie!
He said even when it came to something like frying fish, even though the child truly is too young, you don't tell the child you're "too young" to do it, but tell him his help could be used stirring the hush puppy batter instead.
I think there is a lot of wisdom in that. I read somewhere that when referring to children, we should never use terms that are not in the Bible. For example, the word teenager is not in the Bible. Neither is toddler. Using those terms allow the child to excuse their behavior. If you call a child a child and a young adult a young adult, they will live up to what is expected of them. So too, I think, telling a child he is too young hinders him from accomplishing all that he are capable of.
For example, most would think that six months old is too young for a child to start learning and understanding sign language. And yet ALL of my children have been taught sign language from an early age and not only understand it, but USE IT appropriately.
Stepping up on soapbox - I think EVERY PARENT in the hospital after that baby is born should be given a pamphlet about why and how to teach your baby sign language. You only need teach them a few signs. A child can understand communication before they are able to actually worm words with their mouth. My children have all been able to communicate with sign before being able to speak. And it has saved SO MANY temper tantrums. They can ask for more food, to be picked up, to be given medicine because their teeth hurt. I cannot tell you how many screaming fits we have avoided because our child was able to communicate what they wanted/needed through sign language. And the best part, the older children can understand what the baby wants and so tell Momma, who might have her back turned to baby at the moment. - Stepping off soapbox.
My children have been cleaning up their toys since they could take them out. If they can take it out, they can put it back. They sweep the floor, put away the dishes, set and clear the table. I could go on and on.
The longer you wait before teaching a child how to be responsible for their share of the household work, the longer they get used to be waited on, and the more resentment they will have towards you when you finally start requiring them to do chores because they are now "old enough."
Now don't think I am a slave driver over here. It's not like I sit back with my feet up, having my children bring me lemonade while they cook and clean the house for me. We do this TOGETHER. Togetherness is the key. And the less STUFF you have, the less time you have to spend cleaning it, and the more time you have to do other things together (play, sew, hobby, etc.).
All this to say, don't under estimate your child (don't hold too high of expectations either, but that is another post for another day). And don't wait until that "magical age" when you think they are no longer "too young" before giving them projects (like chores, or sewing a dress for their doll) which will encourage and strengthen them and make BOTH of you happy! :)
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
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