Isn't it the cutest?!?!? We found it at TJ Maxx for only $25!!! (regularly $40) It was the last one. We have done the butterfly thing before (bought the Insect Lore Pavilion and all, and only one butterfly made it all the way through). My girls really enjoyed it (the butterfly had actually somehow escaped the pavilion and the girls thought that was the best).
We have an actual Butterfly Pavilion here (very large with all different kinds of butterflies as well as other things, but it is kinda expensive to get into). And my girls knew NOT to touch the butterflies, but we had told them if they hold out their hands/fingers that butterflies might land on them. My girls were constantly rebuked by the staff there. I hated it.
SOOOoooo when I saw this, and on Mother's Day, I asked if we might splurge and get it. We put it together as soon as we got home. The holes to insert the poles in were quite difficult to find AND they were in the FRONT, not in the back (as the instructions said they were). I am also quite disappointed (especially for the price you pay) that you are required to pay an additional $5 for shipping of the larvae to you. I do not remember having to do that the last time we purchased something from Insect Lore. However, the pavillion is quite LARGE! My 7 year old (who is quite tall for her age) fits in there comfortably with plenty of room for her head and for the butterflies to fly around.
All in all, I am VERY excited and pretty pleased about the purchase. I definitely would NOT pay more for this than we did. Especially considering that you have to pay for shipping of the larvae. This would make an EXCELLENT gift, just remember to include a check made out to Insect Lore for $5! :) I will post pictures and talk all about this as it happens. :)
(PS...I am sorry for not posting yesterday. I was in court half the day fighting a ticket and the other half enjoying my family.)
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