(This post was originally written two weeks ago, but I was so late in getting the pictures done, that it isn't being posted until now. But that works out PERFECT as this week I am working on finances!)
Farmer’s Markets are a GREAT place to get organic produce at a GREAT price! Here is a tip:
Ask them if they have any seconds. IF they don’t know what seconds are, let them know those are the fruits and veggies that have a soft spot, or didn’t grow quite right (like they are a bit flat on one side because they were not turned while growing), etc. They usually only have these BRIGHT and early FIRST THING because they go fast. The organic peach lady was here and I looked at the price list:
$5 for small bag
$9 large bag
$30 Box of 1sts peaches
I got a huge box of organic peaches from Palaside the other day, seconds (those are the peaches that are not pretty. They usually have a soft spot, bruise or hole in them), for just $16!!! Organic peaches from Palaside go here for about $1 each. (Palaside CO has the BEST peaches, you really can taste the difference.) I got over $35 worth of peaches for $16!
Don't be afraid to ask other sellers or buyers there questions. The way I first learned about seconds was by overhearing the lady in front of me ask for a box. They were not advertised. So I asked about them.So I bought a box of seconds and came home. They are actually in really good shape! Yes, they are not pretty (some of them did not grow right). But hey! Cut them up, and freeze them for smoothies or peach pie (where all people care about is taste and not looks and it is all cut up anyway) and WOW! Did I get a deal or WHAT! Just cut out those black spots and the rest of the peach is good and yours! :) My daughters LOVED the one with the "belly button." :D
Also, even the conventional farmers at the market will usually use LESS pesticide than supermarket growers. Be sure to ask.
Check around for farmer’s markets. They are closer to you than you think! I have been going to one that is about 3 miles from us, but I recently found out there is another one at the local high school! Just as close, yet BIGGER. :) The one near us is listed on the web, but the high school one is not listed on the web anywhere that I could find. I actually found out about it from a friend. So ask around. Even goto a farmer’s market that might be a bit of a drive and ask people there. EVERYONE there is SO FRIENDLY! Even the shoppers! :) Who I am sure will be MORE than happy to share where there might be a farmer’s market closer to you. Even the farmers support each other. So ask a farmer if they know of any markets closer to where you live.
And for those of you who THINK organic is more expensive, that is not always the case. While Whole Foods Organic lettuce cost about $2 a head, and convention lettuce at the local supermarket cost $1.25, the local green grocer head of lettuce cost 89 cents and the lettuce from the pesticide free farmer at the farmer’s market cost me 15 cents!!! :D WOOHOO!!!
Not to mention week before last at the farmer's market, they had a HUGE crop, so they were basically GIVING the food away. Pesticide free food. Box for $10! I had my two fabric grocery bags that I could set right inside the box. Then I filled up the bags. 7 ears of corn were $1. I got about 20 ears. Cantaloupes were 3 for $5. I got 6. Not sure what the price on anything else was because after finding out the price for those two things, I decided to get the box! LOL!! I got LOTS and LOTS of potatoes, some heads of lettuce. Some squash and zucchini. I figure I got over $40 (their prices not store prices, store prices would have easily been about $65) worth of food for $10!
And just so you know, yes, we used it all up. Some of it was frozen for later use. And sometimes we just had ears of corn for lunch! LOL! But the kids LOVED it (and it was healthier than some lunches out there). :)
4 days ago
My mother sometimes asks for what she calls 'stewing tomatoes.' They aren't pretty enough to slice up and serve, but they still taste really good. She uses them for canning. Sometimes, she gets a whole bushel for practically nothing.
Thanks for visiting my blog. The dress does look different with the sleeves, doesn't it? I hope someday to photograph it on the kid!
Do you live near Paliside? I know what you mean about how wonderful they taste! My cousin lives in GJ, and we went up there one year when I was there for peaches and got them for a really good price, I think $11 a box, and I think they were supposed to be seconds, but were really firm and nice! They tasted so good! She has been trying to get me to come back for peach season every year since and I want to, but I would have to have money to come visit!
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