Q&A on my pillowcase dresses
Rebecca, I am so glad you liked them!! I too like MM's the best. Can you believe there was such a cute pillowcase with that trim already on it? As soon as I saw it I remember thinking "that would make the CUTEST pillowcase dress!" And it did!
As far as what I meant by big when talking about the sleeves on her dress, I meant I did not like how wide it was. It comes so far over her shoulder. Yes, I could trim and re-hem. But she likes it and THAT is what counts, right? I even had enough fabric left over to make a matching purse! But forgot to have her wear it in the pictures. It was an easy purse. A small sqaure. But she loves it! Sad thing is, once I made the dress, I realized I had the matching sheet and another pillowcase just like it that I had bought weeks afterwards! LOL! At least I still have the one pillowcase to go with the sheet! LOL!!!
Although I will admit I LOVE the lace idea!
Where do I find pillowcases? I have not really found any at garage sales, although I am ALWAYS on the lookout. Most garage sales have SETS not just cases. There is a Salvation Army here that ALWAYS has pillowcases and has the most vintage type ones. Goodwill's here are not very good for pillowcases (although they are great for sheets, I actually plan on using some sheets to make dresses next). And estate sales (actual someone has died sales, not someone wants to get rid of all their stuff sales and is calling it an estate sale - just a pet peeve of mine) will sometimes have pillowcases (although most of the time, you will see it all in a set). You might try asking grandma's from church for pillowcases! LOL!! A GREAT way to fellowship with the elderly AND get some great vintage pillowcases. :)
As for the arrows and text, well Rebecca, that is Adobe Photoshop - a graphic editing program. Being a homeschool mom, I was able to get a discount. There are other graphic editing software out there that might be less expensive. HOWEVER, since I used to paper scrapbook, and it was getting expensive (with paying for prints and stickers and papers and etc. etc.), we figured that it would be cheaper in the long run (even with printing out my layouts) to do digital scrapbooking and bought the software. And we were right. It has saved me so much money on scrapping, and TIME too! and, well... I could go on and on about all the benefits of digital scrapbooking! :D
I was also asked if the pillowcases were too narrow for the girls. The long first one did seem a bit narrow. The second one for AA (number 4 in the post) was a little shorter (but still about mid calf). None of them complained about it being too narrow or constricting. AA did comment as she tried to RUN in it, that it was difficult to run in. I explained that it was made that way to keep her from running in the house (which we are not allowed to do) and to keep her modest. She accepted that explanation. When I asked her in the morning how she was able to sleep, she said very comfortably. YEAH!
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
So cute!
Glad to know where you find such pretty pillowcases.
I love these dresses and was wondering if anyone knew the history behind them?
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