I've been tagged for the 5 Things I Love About Jesus meme by Devil Dog Wife.
Here are the Rules:
1. Those Tagged will share 5 things they love (dig) about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their meme so that others can read them and here the creator of this meme John Smulo.
My Responses:
1. I love Jesus because He loves me. He loved me even while I was still a sinner (although I still am a sinner LOL!, but now I know that I am LOL!). He loves me even when I don't trust Him or when I am not in His will. His love is ever lasting.
2. I love how Jesus came to those who needed Him. He did not come to those who were good and felt they were better than needing a Savior. But He came to save those who were lost without Him. He came for me.
3. I love how Jesus always directed things back to the Father. It is something I desire deeply to do myself. I am nothing with Him. I need to decrease so that He may increase.
4. I love how Jesus followed through on His promise and the will of God, even though He was not really wanting to, He was WILLING to.
5. I love how Jesus continues to forgive me and accept me despite the fact that I fail - miserably.
I don't really have anyone I want to tag. If you do the meme, leave a link here for me to see it.
This was a good meme for me as right now things are really tough. Your prayers for peace and wisdom are appreciated. I find it ironic that despite the fact that I love the Lord, I have such difficulty trusting Him. I know if I were to simply trust and obey that I would not be having the difficulties I am having now.
But I try to take things into my own hands and fail miserably. I have spent the whole day on the phone and web doing research and talking to people. And how much have I prayed? Only once.
Why, when I need God most desperately, do I seek Him so rarely? I guess because in this case I feel that there is so much that I can do. But when it comes to my baby being sick (and we have been on the verge of death with three of our four littles, which I was reminded of today in Rebecca's post) and I truly can do nothing but pray, that is when I seek the Lord most diligently.
And He always has come through for us. And I remember. I remember the Lord loves me. I remember His promises. I remember to trust in Him. I remember... for a little while. And then life returns to normal. And normal is good. And good means a little less reliance on God.
Why in times of good, do I forget to thank the One who IS good and has brought us good? I guess that is why the Lord keeps giving me those times of needing Him. I need those times to help me realize just how much I need Him.
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
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