I love my children. And I love when my children shine with the love and joy of Jesus.
They don't always. They have their moments of disobedience and of discord with one another. I was reading on someone's blog about how when your child is disobedient, the answer is not ___fill in the blank___, but the answer is Jesus.
I must admit that this really struck me. I mean, I have read most every book I can get my hands on concerning child rearing. To spank or not to spank, time outs, tomato staking, etc. But what that mother said is true.
If your child has a relationship with Jesus, there will not be a problem with disobedience. 1 Samuel 3 talks about how the Lord called Samuel and he was obedient. I was listening to an S.M. Davis CD called "What to Expect From A Twelve Year Old" and he mentioned that Samuel was only three at this time. WOW! I wonder how old Miriam was when she looked after her little baby brother (Moses)? Just thinking about little girls in the Bible - they aren't mentioned very often because they weren't considered important to society. For them to mention any girl or women meant something important.
The point is, those children who knew and loved God from an early age were very mature and responsible (compared to the children of today). You don't read words like "terrible two's" or "toddler" or "teenager" in the Bible. Those words are created to excuse away the child's behavior rather than having the important task of addressing the heart behind the bad behavior and changing it.
I realize that I have really done a disservice to my girls. For the most part, they truly are great. But I can tell that I have not instilled in them a love for the Lord. They love to read the Bible (well, what THEY consider reading - looking at pictures). They like when Momma reads the Bible to them. They love to sing songs about Jesus. They love to talk about God and his creation. But I can tell they do not reverence Him. I can tell that they do not really LOVE Him.
And why? Because I have difficulty reverencing the Lord. I do not live my life as if I truly LOVE Him. I have placed things on a higher priority than Him. I tried explaining to my 7 year old that the reason it is so important that she learns now how to love and obey God is because the older you get, the more difficult it is. I did not grow up learning how to love and obey. And I struggle daily. I don't want my children to have that struggle.
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
1 comment:
Dearest Paula
May I suggest something? Perhaps instead of reading all these books or blogs that may be telling you many different ways to train your children to get them to obey. May I suggest you go to the Lord Himself directly and get your answers only from His Word for now?
Remember satan is the author of confusion and if all these peoples opinions including my own is only causing guilt or confusion for you it is not doing you any good.
If your children see you seeking God for ALL your answers in all areas of your life. If they see you going to Him before making any decisions in your own life including when it comes to correcting them. That is a sure way they will learn to go to the Lord themselves and grow their relationship with Him and through it learn to LOVE Him.
It is not a guarantee that they will not sin for Adam walked with God and loved God yet he still sinned. Peter walked with Jesus and loved him but lied saying he didn't know him, so he sinned out of fear. We have sin natures. Yes we are reborn in Jesus but there is still a war going on, a battle to fight in our lives that is spiritual.
A sure way to model loving and walking with Jesus is if your children see you seek Him in all things in your own life. We tend to want to please those we are close to.
Anyway that was just my 2 cents.
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