Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday's Fun: The Great Outdoors

My children and I LOVE nature. I love to be outdoors and they do too.

Growing up, though, the only outdoors stuff I really did was camping or canoing. I never really understood anything about making hollyhock dolls or daisy crowns. But it is something I want my children to have wonderful childhood memories of when they are grown.

I have listed some books in the past that are MUSTS for enjoying the garden with your children. But if money is tight, here is a web page with some FREE ideas!

Seeding Your Child's Imagination's With Simple Garden Projects

I also encourage you to get outdoors with your children while they are young. Go to a nearby park (not the one with swings, the recreational kind). Check out local hikes in your area. I know our state has a list of kid friendly hikes, so we can go hiking most anywhere! LOL!!

Ask around. I recently learned about a waterfall you can hike to and then play in afterwards! HOW FUN!

Any other free ideas out there? Please leave a link!

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