I saw a post about Job Jars on Tip Junkie about a month ago and wanted to do it!
You see, I have been struggling with schedules. I cannot ever seem to make them stick.
But I was recently encouraged by Crystal with getting 5 things done, the same things done, everyday by a certain time. I CAN DO THAT! THE KIDS CAN DO THAT!
So I combined the two, and put 5 sticks into each jar with 5 things the girls were to do.
It did not work.
Firstly, the jars we used we cans and NOT see through (I am thinking that would make a BIG difference). And secondly, I am just NOT motivated/with it enough to remind them to get their things done.
We got a PEGS system which a friend found at a GARAGE SALE of all places for $10! It is the smaller board, and I am not certain it has EVERYTHING. But it has a LOT. I just need to put it all together and put it UP so the kids can SEE IT and remind THEMSELVES to do it. PLUS, this is MUCH easier for me to see and see if a child has done something.
So now I finally have the motivation to get this thing UP and working so that things will be going in time for Thanksgiving. Right before my mother is scheduled to arrive. Maybe this time the house will be so clean, she will have nothing to do but sit back, relax and enjoy her grandchildren!!! :)
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
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