I stumbled across a most beautiful blog the other day. It is called Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage. This blog is beautiful. Her posts are short and straightforward (oh to be a woman of few words!!). I feel good after reading each and every post. I encourage you to take a look.
Another blog that I am SO HAPPY she left a comment on my blog so I could find her is BarbaraLee. What a GREAT blog!!! WOW! I could spend hours reading over this. If you are serious about your finances (and proud to be a stay at home mom) then you will enjoy this one as much as I do!
And while pinching pennies is a great way to slowly over time save some money, if you really want to make my child happy, you might consider using pennies to make others happy.
And of course, since finances have taken a major priority in my life right now, here are some GREAT reads that are in my feed reader that I try to visit daily. A STAR (*) next to it means I know it is without a doubt Christian. If it does not have a star it just means I was not able to tell. It might be secular or it might be Christian and I just haven't figured it out yet. :) IF YOUR BLOG IS LISTED BELOW and it does not have a star and you want one next to it, please let me know. :)
*Money Saving Mom
*Like Merchant Ships
*Sense to Save
*Being Frugal
*Gather Little By Little
(a special post for Meredith and others with debit cards to read)
Thrifty Florida Momma - not just for FL!! :)
Millionare Mommy Next Door
Saving Advice
One Money Dummy Getting Smarter
Millionaire Money Habits
Finance For A Freelance Life
I've Paid For That Twice Already
Free Money Finance
The Simple Dollar
Get Rich Slowly
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
Glad you liked the pennies post. :)
Hi! Thanks for including my link! I'm a Christian--please add a * by "Sense to Save" when you have time :)
It was very nice what you said about me. I never had any one comment like that before. I am glad you enjoy it.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog. I'm very new to blogging; and, I didn't immediately understand what link up was when I saw it on my blog stats.
I've been looking around your blog, very nice.
Once again, thank you for your kindness. Look for more frugal recipes and ideas from me in the future!
Laura of Harvest Lane
Happy at Home
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