We were trying to get pictures of the girls in their ponchos for their grandmom. She made them for the girls two Christmases ago and has asked for another picture of the girls wearing them. Good thing that my girls really liked them enough to hold onto them!! :) The puff pom poms are gone, but everything else is still in tack.
I saw this picture my beloved took of me with the girls and thought I looked like a mother hen with her little baby chicks. And thus this layout was created. (You can see me wearing my shawl, which I have since given to my oldest, AA because it seems to fit her better and she really REALLY likes it.) Note to self - must lose weight...must lose a lot of weight.
You can see the credits as well as journaling at my online scrapbook at Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild. (whooppss ... that date is supposed to be April 2007, not 2006) I don't think I have talked much about them, so let me give a plug for them right now. :D The owner/creator is a DEAR friend of mine named Debb. She is a very godly woman whom I wished lived close enough that I could just sit at her feet and learn! She has three almost grown boys and I just pray my children come out loving God as much as hers do (too bad her boys are not a bit younger, we might revert back to arranged marriages! LOL!).
The designers are WONDERFUL!! I believe most if not all are also godly Christian women. It is amazing how many Christian women are at DSAG!! And for less than $6 a month membership (you do not have to have a member ship to go there, but membership does have it's perks) you get access to members only forums, an AMAZING monthly kit (which comes with a template in it), and a FREE mini-class!!! And trust me, this mini class could EASILY be a full blown $30 class!!! There is so much there! I have paid $30 for a class that had less info than what I am getting in this mini-class (which you can take without being a member for I believe less than $8).
Ok, plug over. Those of you into digital scrapbooking, I highly encourage you to check them out. It will be well worth it.
4 days ago
I don't know if it is because I was gone for the week or what but I TOTALLY missed your shawl unveiling. I had even forgotten about it until I happened to scroll down here! Golly!
I LOVE this page. I LOVE this layout! I LOVE all the matching ponchos you made for your girls-that is TOO precious. They must LOVE to match each other! I know Corynn always points out when anyone matches other people around here...they must love it.
And your shawl?!? WOW! I LOVE it! What a fabulous job!
Oh-I just LOVE that picture of you and your girls! They are so blessed to have a Mama like you.
Any chance you will be making a layout of the GUYS in your life soon? I would love to see my Panda's birth buddy! ;-)
You must be a WHIZ crocheter-you have finished so many PROJECTS in so little time!
Last night I timed one row on the Christmas Afghan I am making for Matt. It took me 20 minutes...FOR ONE row! YIKES! THAT is A LOT of love!
That layout is wonderful! Wow...I thought I was looking at a page from a fancy magazine!
I had a poncho when I was a kid and I just loved it. It was the height of 'cool' back then. (I'll admit it was the early 70s!)
Please show us more of your pages. I'm an avid scrapbooker myself, and love to admire the talents of others. (I like to crochet, too...but never made a shawl or a poncho, LOL!)
Great layout!! I have never tried digital scrapbooking, just regular paper scrapbooking, but I may check out the link you posted. It looks like it would be lots of fun.
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