I used to ALWAYS tell my kids that I PROMISE we will do something. And then I have the humbling task of asking their forgiveness when I FORGET to do it and hope that their trust in me will not be too affected.
I have learned a LOT in being a parent and one of them is that I NOW try not to promise my kids anything (except that I will always love them and nothing they ever do will make me stop). Partly because I am so forgetful and partly because we don't know what could happen tomorrow. But sometimes I forget and make a promise. Then I end up working overtime to make it happen.
My kids are always banking on another day. The Bible is has encouragements not to focus on tomorrow:
do not withold good from those to whom it is due
do not boast about tomorrow, you do not know what it may bring
do not worry about tomorrow
you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow
In fact, whenever it is talking about tomorrow, it is usually warning you that you need to do something TODAY to prevent the bad that is coming tomorrow OR to prepare yourselves because the Lord will do wonders tomorrow.
One of the ways we got into debt was we got into a habit of purchasing things knowing that the money would COME. Not that it was in the bank, but that we could spend on the credit card for the month, pay it off in full, then start the whole cycle over again. We were living paycheck to paycheck. Spending the check before we even got it. We never expected a loan that was needed for needed repairs to the house NOR my son's illness and all the expenses that would come with it. We ended up in big time debt.
God is VERY gracious we were able to learn a lot from Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University. Now we are also learning a lot from Peter Schiff. Thankfully we have a budget now, so every cent is told where to go before we even get the check. :D We are paying off debt, building up our ER fund, able to contribute to my husband's ROTH (most months) AND tithe. I say tithe, not to bring attention to myself. But to let you know that GOD IS FAITHFUL! When we give to Him first, we always have enough to follow through with the budget.
But old habits die hard.
I am so tempted in this economy to look for and buy the house of our dreams (lots of land with beautiful trees, a river runs through it, a small modest house) while the market is bad and we can get a great price on it. If we were to wait until the house we currently live in was worth more than we paid for it, then we would end up paying more for the dream house too. But I need to wait on God. Do I trust Him or don't I?
God know the plans He has for me! I need to bank on HIM instead of an unknown future (what finances will be like, will we get the house of our dreams, is that house even God's will for us?, etc.). He will always be there, even when a check isn't. And when storms come (like a house in need of repair or a desperately ill son), He is the solid Rock on which to stand. A very present help in trouble. Now I just need the patience to wait on Him. His will is perfect!
(Thanks for listening to me ramble - this was more for me than anyone, but should God use it to bless you, to God be the glory!)
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