Last night beloved and I were discussing the first chapter of James and started talking about divorce and how sad it was that the divorce rate among "Christians" was quickly becoming greater than that of people who are not "Christians."
He said that if Christians had a lower divorce rate it might actually cause people to stand up and take notice. "Why do most Christian marriages last? What do they have that we don't?"
I told my husband that if they were to do a poll on those who were true, Bible-believing, born-again Christians the statistics would be completely different. For in the circles that I follow, it is very rare to see a woman who has been divorced. They need to poll THOSE Christians. But how to differentiate those Christians from other "Christians" over the phone for a poll would be politically incorrect.
He then asked me "What makes you a Christian?"
And I will ask you that right now. What makes YOU a Christian?
Think about it for a minute and then read on as to my answer.
I answered him "Because I am a follower of Christ."
He said that was the difference right there. Most people would most likely answer "Because I believe in Jesus." Well, scary thought, but even the demons believe but still have a life in the lake of fire.
We are called, as Christians, to be set apart. Yet, are we? What sets us apart? Christian music stations blare music so similar to secular that the only difference is the "repent" message hidden deep within, and sometimes not even that! I am now hearing songs from my youth played on Christian radio stations! Christian stores sell clothing that looks the same, and just as immodest, but with a different message of "repent". Even Christian movies and cartoons .... same style, different message. You can even hear Christian talk shows and youth groups with the same language as the world, but again with a different message. You get the point. And there is not even a difference when it comes to keeping sacred the vows you took before God to love, honor and cherish one another till death do you part?
So why would any non-believer have cause to stand up and take notice of you? What do you have that they don't? With all the mimicry of the world, the Christian does not even have to deny themselves anything! Want to wear a certain style or listen to a certain type of music, but don't want the guilt? Just do it the "Christian" way. What happened to self-denial and the discipline that comes with it? What cause do we have to "die to oneself" when all a "Christian" has to do is turn the corner and there is some other form of worldly mimicry to follow and take the place of the worldly? Jesus then becomes the "get out of hell free" card like in the game of Monopoly. Not a Lord of Life, or King of Kings.
It is so easy to become complacent when there is no self-denial. And then there is no growth.
Please understand I am not saying this to draw attention to myself. I may be a follower of Christ, but I am a poor one at that. I am a sinner who struggles and continues to work daily to die to self and take up my cross. I share this because of the conviction I felt the other night. I so want Christians (myself and my children included) to be and do all God has created us to be and do for His glory. And not to be imitators of the world, but to be imitators of Christ. I want my children to be followers of Christ,
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
I really enjoyed what you shared here. So many ppl are quick to call themselves Christian that it has more so become a race or citizenship thing rather than what their life is about. That is really unfortunate. I enjoyed how you shared about the taking polls, I am sure that this *idea* really reflects in the polls taken when they don't sit back to consider if the person taking the poll is a follower of Christ, or just an average believer.
Thanks for your in-depth thoughts, I have enjoyed :o)
Great post..we are going to be celebrating 36 years this FALL..I am so thankful for my husband and for the blessing that he is to me....
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