I ask myself, what am I doing for the Lord? I'm not the only momma who struggles with, "I want to do more." We women are good at guilt inflicted self condemnation. Yet we also have a real understanding of time and place and the yearning to make our lives count. We want to impact the world for the kingdom, and yet some days we feel too tired, and too selfish to even really love our own. How many mothers contemplate leadership roles they don't have time for, adoption, mentoring, more ministry, serving.... a string of activities and service projects to help them feel they contribute. It would be nice to check off all our good deeds in the book of good deeds. We might feel accomplished, except there is no book of good deeds.
That is an excerpt from Lilacs newest writing. I HIGHLY encourage you to read her stuff. VERY God honoring and convicting.
And while her whole POST is thought provoking and convicting, this paragraph especially got me thinking. "There is no book of good deeds." The only book I know of that the Bible talks about when it talks about books of something is the Book of Life (in which we all want our names). Not deeds, but LIFE.
So what is my life? Am I living a life that is pleasing to the Lord? Am I serving HIM or myself?
I am sorry to cut this short. Family emergency. Seems nothing compared to all that has been going on lately with Missey and Emily and other prayer requests on here.
UPDATE: Please pray for my husband's grandmother and my husband's father. Both are very ill (heart problems). It would break my husband's heart if he lost one much less BOTH of them at once. And please pray for me. I am very sleep depraved after last night. Thank you.
ALSO, please visit Dandelion Seeds blog for updates on prayer requests for Candace (sp?).
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
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