There are great benefits to listening to your husband share about his today. I will admit that when my husband shares about his day, most of it goes over my head. I am amazed at how right-brained I can be when someone is talking TOTAL left brain. Yet I do not consider myself creative at all. I will tell you though, I am my husband's BIGGEST cheerleader - whether I can understand all he is talking about or not! :D
So the other day my husband was sharing about how his day was going and what he had learned...
Wait, hold on, let me back up a few days to Friday. Friday was a terrible, no good, very bad day for my husband. You see, he LOVES to accomplish things at work. When he does not accomplish things, he feels miserable. There were a few things that I saw going on in my husband's life with his work that I knew if HE knew, he could change and have better days at work.
And BOY did I want to tell him what I thought he could change and be better and have better days. I knew he could not see it because he was too closely involved, being it involved HIM and all. :) But I felt God telling me to hold my tongue. So I prayed instead. I have learned to obey in that area and the blessing OH THE BLESSING that comes from obeying!
So fast-forward to the other day. My husband is telling me about work and goes on to share about these things he was learning. OH THE JOY I saw in my husband! Joy like he has not had in a long time. DIRECTION!!! He finally sees the direction that God wants him to go at this time for this season in his life! And the peace that all of this is bringing. PASSION he has for his work (that is a good thing for my husband - he used to be so passionate about what he was doing). And the JOY - did I mention joy already? ;)
Oh what I would have missed out on if I had tried to be the Holy Spirit in my husband's life!! What little strides, if any at all, would have been made. And the joy, if any had come, would have been short, VERY short lived. How do I know? Because I have been there before. I have tried to help my husband be better by telling him things rather than allowing God to tell him. And when I tell Brian, especially if I have NOT been led by the Lord to, then I notice it is like a band-aid on my husband. A temporary fix. But band-aids fall off.
When God tells your husband something it is like a complete and total healing! MUCH longer lasting. And at those times where there may be a little slip, God is there to catch him rather than ME trying to have to carry my husband.
I just had to share that. I hope it blesses and encourages someone.
PLEASE note that I am not saying I am perfect. There are many times when I don't even give the Lord a chance to tell me to keep my mouth shut. I just open up and start blabbing away at my husband. But this time, the Lord "interrupted" me before I could get going. LOL!! And I am SO THANKFUL He did! :D
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
3 days ago