Three things I learned about finances this past week:
Most everyone will be getting their stimulus check in just months. And the stores know it. And they want you to spend it at their store. So you need to have a plan. What do you want to do with your money? Do you want to put it towards debt? Do you want to put it into your emergency fund? Do you want to put it in your housing fund? Or do you want to spend it? And if so, how much do you want to spend? You need to be prepared for all the great deals that will be appearing in May/June possibly even July. Remember it is not a good deal if you don't need it. BE PREPARED to avoid temptation!
I also wanted to mention that if there is a B1G1Free offer, and you have a coupon off purchase of two, and they will not accept it at the register, you can take the time to goto the customer service and ask if they can honor the coupon, they just might! I got a $1 off (my store doubles up to $1) even though the coupon would not scan at the register! They just gave it to me!!! JUST FOR ASKING!!! :)
I have also learned that cash can burn a fast hole in my pocket if it is not specifically budgeted for. The blow account money is literally BLOWN away as soon as I walk into Goodwill. I need to leave that at home OR stay out of Goodwill. I do know that shopping WITH my beloved when we go into Goodwill really helps curb my spending.
Three links to help you with your finances:
Little Steps: 100 Great Tips For Saving Money For Those Just Getting Started - great even for those not just getting started.
Even Better Ways To Spend Less
Six Steps to Curb Compulsive Spending - I admit that I am a really bad compulsive spender. not on big ticket items, but on bargains and thrift store finds. Sadly though, I am like him and now purging my house of stuff - stuff that I sadly bought compulsively that I never used.
Three financial links for articles I have read recently:
I have read a LOT. Please check out my Stumble Upon page for more great links!!Three things I learned about finances this past week:
Most everyone will be getting their stimulus check in just months. And the stores know it. And they want you to spend it at their store. So you need to have a plan. What do you want to do with your money? Do you want to put it towards debt? Do you want to put it into your emergency fund? Do you want to put it in your housing fund? Or do you want to spend it? And if so, how much do you want to spend? You need to be prepared for all the great deals that will be appearing in May/June possibly even July. Remember it is not a good deal if you don't need it. BE PREPARED to avoid temptation!
I also wanted to mention that if there is a B1G1Free offer, and you have a coupon off purchase of two, and they will not accept it at the register, you can take the time to goto the customer service and ask if they can honor the coupon, they just might! I got a $1 off (my store doubles up to $1) even though the coupon would not scan at the register! They just gave it to me!!! JUST FOR ASKING!!! :)
I have also learned that cash can burn a fast hole in my pocket if it is not specifically budgeted for. The blow account money is literally BLOWN away as soon as I walk into Goodwill. I need to leave that at home OR stay out of Goodwill. I do know that shopping WITH my beloved when we go into Goodwill really helps curb my spending.
Three links to help you with your finances:
Little Steps: 100 Great Tips For Saving Money For Those Just Getting Started - great even for those not just getting started.
Even Better Ways To Spend Less
Six Steps to Curb Compulsive Spending - I admit that I am a really bad compulsive spender. not on big ticket items, but on bargains and thrift store finds. Sadly though, I am like him and now purging my house of stuff - stuff that I sadly bought compulsively that I never used.
Three financial links for articles I have read recently:
I have read a LOT. Please check out my Stumble Upon page for more great links!! AND CHECK OUT THE CONTEST MENTIONED BELOW!
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