America has lost it's creativity. We have settled for fast, fun and cheap. I love the old movies where the actors really had to have talent (I doubt we will ever have another Fred Astaire or Bing Crosby). And the actors back then had to think on their feet. They had to be more than someone who could act. In addition to acting, most had to sing, dance, be a comedian...the list goes on.
And I have noticed this with our crafts lately as well. I mean, you goto any craft store and THINK you see cute stuff. But most of it really is cheap. I think that is why there has been a HUGE surge in Japanese crafting lately. I mean check out adorable pot holder! You would be hard pressed to find something like that in America.
I must admit that I have jumped on the Japanese craft band wagon. It started about a year ago. I have kept it a secret because, well, those books cost a pretty penny (at least to me where I get most of my books for free on Paperback Swap).
I spend way too much time looking at blogs where people have talked about what they made or what new book they found. I have been wanting a Japanese craft book for over a year!
And the other day God blessed me with one!!!! I am not sure what the title is, but it is part of the petit boutique series. Isn't it adorable?!?! ISBN 4939459800465
It was at the local Goodwill, just SITTING there! At first, I thought I must be seeing things. There is no way someone would get rid of something so valuable! I truly hope that the person who got rid of it meant to and it was not accidentally shoved in during a major declutter. I have been known to do that. I snatched it up (for less than $1) and spent all evening looking over every single page. I love it!!! Just look at all these goodies!
4 days ago
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