Felt Play House
You could take this even further and make it so they can design their own house and change it around. Or maybe grow different things in their garden at different times. :)
Macho Manly Man POcket Hand Warmers
This is such a cute post. Not only does it have a great tutorial, but a great story behind it!! Why not make some of these for the mail/garbage men (not saying mail men are garbage men, though a lot of what they bring us goes in the garbage, but you know what I mean!). Don't forget to add to the note about keeping these in your pocket to keep there hands warm in their pockets!! :D
Using Old Jeans Up
Martha Stewart does it RIGHT!! GREAT ideas, but I am especially partial to the quilt at the bottom of the page - PERFECT for a boys room!! :D
The above was a link found on this post about ways to use up old jeans. This post is GREAT!! :D
Shutter Cal
This is a GREAT way to organize a photo a day. Then you can print it out (the price is actually pretty good) and get it in a shoebox! The shoe box is designed to hold twelve months of 30/31 photos! WONDERFUL gift idea for the grandparents!
This post is a GREAT intro into how and WHY you should use Flickr if you take pictures. It is from Digital Photography School. I just wish I had the time to connect more through groups there. I just don't have the time.
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
3 days ago
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