Mrs. Cat from Making It Home Magazine has issued a pick at least three things to learn this year challenge.
Here area list of things you MIGHT chose from:
baking homemade bread
making your own yogurt
cooking a certain dish
freezing/canning foods
storing supply food
starting a cooking/sewing/crafting group in your home
starting a Bible Study in your home
how to be thrifty
consume less
create less trash/waste in my home
make my own soap (bath, laundry,dishwasher & dish liquid, shampoo)
make natural/whole foods
herbs (how to use them in cooking and for health)
homeopathy and other natural alternatives
downsizing (home, cars, bills)
List the things you would like to learn the most first. If you have more than 3...then include them in your list.
With your list in hand - take the top thing you would really really really like to learn about. You can only pick one...we don't want to have too many projects going on at once. We are going to take that one thing and learn all we can about it. We are not only going to study it but we are going to research what we can and need to online, borrow books/videos from the library, talk to others who know how or have experience on the topic and then take that and apply it by actually doing. Start making your list...
What I want to learn in January:
Links/Sources Online:
(You may want to list this in your favorites by placing in a special folder)
(Library or books found online)
Person(s) who may know how to do this:
(Set up a time for them to share/show you how they bake or organize, etc.)
Time I will devote to putting into practice what I have learned:
(days and times might be a good idea too, not just amount of time)
SO here are my three:
1) I want to learn to ENJOY my children
Links/Sources Online:
LAF, NGJ, lots of blogs!!!!
I have several books on this, I need to READ them
None that I know of, do you know of any??
Person(s) who may know how to do this:
Nancy, Brenda
Time I will devote to putting into practice what I have learned:
Read a book a month in the evenings after children are sleeping
Try to keep up with blogs during nap time
Set up a time with Nancy to learn from her
Set up a time with Brenda to learn from her
Set up at least ONE fun thing per week to do with the children (examples: pillow fight, make pizzas together, have a joke night, arts and crafts)
2) sewing/crocheting
Links/Sources Online:
lots of blogs!!!!
I have several books on this, I need to READ them
None that I know of, do you know of any?? check library
Person(s) who may know how to do this:
Nancy, Sister's Mother-in-law
Time I will devote to putting into practice what I have learned:
Try to keep up with blogs during nap time
Set up a time with Nancy to learn from her
Set aside 30 minutes a day to practice WITH the children nearby with their own fabric/yarn(so they can learn too)
Keep bag of crochet nearby so can work on it to keep hands busy instead of idle
3) how to keep house better
Links/Sources Online:
LAF, Making It Home, Flylady, several blog!!!
I have several books on this, I need to READ them
None that I know of, do you know of any??
Person(s) who may know how to do this:
Unfortunately no one nearby, we all need to work on this :D
Time I will devote to putting into practice what I have learned:
Read a book a month in the evenings after children are sleeping
Try to keep up with blogs during nap time
Create a homemaking notebook
Create a cleaning schedule and STICK TO IT!!!
Find an accountability partner for this
Until I get organized, spend at LEAST 15 minutes cleaning in the Flylady zone AND Keep Sink SHINNING
There are of course other things I want to learn, but I don't want to become overwhelmed by giving myself so much that I get discouraged and don't do anything at all. I will see how these three go, and if they are going well, I will add more.
With no comments since I changed my blog I am wondering if anyone is reading this anymore??
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
1 day ago
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