I have been wanting some of these titles for quite a while to add to my TODKAH curriculum. And now at
THIS PRICE ($80 worth of ebooks for $24.97), you can afford it! (I have ordered from this company before and been VERY pleased with their customer service. The only book I have actually had time to read, which I ordered months ago, is calling Thriving On One Income. It is a WONDERFUL book!).
Several other titles included in this
book special that I will be including in the TODKAH curriculm (as most of the books she has listed are out of date OR she didn't know about THESE ones):
The Merchant Maiden (Year 6 - Home Business)
How To Start Your Own Business (Year 6 - Home Business)
Home Grown Business (Year 6 - Home Business)
Momma's Guide To Growing Your Own Groceries (Year 2 - Gardening Vegetables)
Thriving On One Income (Year 5 - Family Finances II)
Of course she has LOTS of other things I want (that I need to save up for). Be sure to check out her WHOLE store! And I must admit that I am so wanting that
modest swimsuit pattern she has! (We will be using it for year 2 - Sewing For Yourself). It is the nicest one I have seen (that is modest but doesn't make you look homely). She also has patterns for kids and children!!! I am "sew" excited! LOL!!!

Please know that I am not getting anything for sharing this info with you. I have not signed up for the affiliate program (which gives you money for each referral where someone buys a book). I just really think this is a GREAT deal, and a GREAT site run by a WONDERFUL SAHM. I used to be very into buying from ebay and half.com, but I have lately been convicted about supporting other women who want to stay at home and have a home business. Supporting them keeps them in business.
(update on me: still no baby. 70% effaced and 4 cm and WAITING
