Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday's Fun: Vintage Games - Double Meaning

First, an update on last weeks game. While I am not usually one who tries to play games where there is no winner, I though we could introduce a little bit of exercise into the last game. So whenever I said "FIRE!", the girls had to do some sort of activity. Sometimes I had them jump up and down until I said "WATER!" and then they had to say something that was in the water. Other times they did 10 jumping jacks. It was fun.

This weeks game is GREAT for older players, but don't under estimate the trickle-down effect of the one room schoolhouse! Your 3 year old may know more than you think! :) (By the way, the link above is so worth reading, especially if you need a smile.)

Double Meaning

The person who is IT thinks of a word which has a double meaning. Take for example the word "TRAIN." The object of the game is to get someone to guess the word by telling a story. However, while telling the story, whenever the word picked ("train" in this example), the word "blank" would be substituted in it's place.
I like to ride on a blank. He is going to blank to run the 10K next month.
The story continues until th word is guessed. Whoever guesses the word is the next IT.

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