Things have bee wonderful over here! I have been spending a LOT more time with family. It has been so great to have my husband off work this week
We are also getting involved in ONE (yes, you read that correctly only ONE) extracurricular activity - speech and debate. I am VERY excited about this and all three girls are involved at the moment. None of them are yet old enough to compete, but I feel it is VERY important that my children learn to articulate and speak persuasively. Not only that, but I want them to know how to defend their faith as well as be able to see truth and defend it, as well as debunk things that are not truthful.
I have also been busy with my son and his new diet which you can read more about at the preceding link. All I can say is that it is really helping my son AND it is helping ALL of us to feel better! :D
I have also been learning a LOT and listening to a lot of mp3's about homeschooling and my role as teacher and mother. I have been learning a lot and am excited to implement what I have been learning. Anyone know anything about Thomas Jefferson Education? VERY interesting stuff.
And I have been very involved in Facebook. Politics and the state of our nation has become of great interest to me, and sharing the TRUTH (not the media - which is just propaganda pushed through as entertainment). Since those sources of true media are few and far between, and not very well known, I like to share what I can to get the word out there.
I am so very happy and so thankful for all God is doing in my life right now! Feel free to share how you and yours are doing and a link to your blog where we can all catch up! :D
Only What's Done for Christ Will Last
3 days ago